Reiki Level 1

Embrace a new level of spiritual awareness, enhance your intuition, and embark on a path of healing that transcends the physical.

Open your heart, clear the past and celebrate the deepest truth of who you are

Meet like minded people in a small class (max 6 - 8 people)

Learn the art of channeling universal life energy to promote healing, both for yourself and others.

Sat & Sun 21st & 22nd September 2024

This foundational course in energy therapy is all about YOU: time out to be, to shut out the noise of the world and to come back to a calm & complete connection with self. Held at a time when mother earth is letting go, we too are invited to release what we have outgrown, what's not ours, what's limiting us so that we can live a life of love & joy.

What is reiki?

Reiki helps us to uncover who we truly are and to let go of what no longer serves us. It gives us the courage to no longer be who others have told us we are, it guides us to uncover the essence of who we are unburdened by the fears and limiting beliefs put on us by others. Reiki is an invaluable tool for this process, one that will take you on a journey, the question is…are you ready?! 
This is a two day workshop during in which we will be exploring all aspects of this ancient healing system. You will learn how to give healing to yourself and others, how to use it for your spiritual advancement and to begin to peel off the layers of fears, doubts and insecurities that keep us small. 

Reiki & Celtic Wheel wisdom

This workshop will be held at the Autumn Equinox the Celtic festival that celebrates the act of letting go, it teaches us how to surrender and enjoy the peace that it brings. 

Taking a Reiki course or doing any kind of Spiritual practice at this time in the turning of the wheel invites you to let go of fears, patterns, beliefs and habits that have limited you and held you back, it’s a time to break through these outdated ideas and move deeper into a sense of who you truly are. 

Over the course of the weekend:

You will be attuned to Reiki Level 1 and will receive the first energy rays of the Usui Reiki Lineage

Be guided through healing meditations to prepare and ground you, release the past and start anew.

Learn about chakras, the areas they relate to in your life, developmental ages, and how to balance them.

Healing: You will give and receive healing treatments on the second day of the course.

Learn how to cleanse & protect your aura. The Spiritual principles of Reiki and how they are relevant to your everyday life

A safe & sacred space to meet like minded people with plenty of time to explore the principles and teachings of Reiki. Class sizes are kept to a maximum of 8 people

Receive ongoing support as your Reiki journey continues to evolve and grow.

Receive a comprehensive Reiki manual with all the teachings of Reiki level 1

A meetup 3 weeks after the weekend during which we will review the material and have an opportunity to share Reiki healing. The date of this will be organised over the course of the weekend.

Learn reiki at the summer solstice - Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd September 2024

Pricing structures

Location: Blackrock Village, Co Dublin

Times: 10am to 4pm both days

(I like to keep my workshops small so as to give ample time and space for questions, teaching and instructions. So the maximum size of this group will be 6 to 8 people)  

Investment: €195 waged / €150 unwaged / €95 refresher (including a gathering 3 weeks after the course)
A €75 deposit is required to secure your place or you can pay in full. Balance is due one week before the start of the course.

I am a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul